Mapping the Park - starts tomorrow

Hello neighbours,

As noted at the AGM, the Parks and Recreation Committee has been planning a project to map the tree, shrub and plant species in the common green space of the park. This project was approved at the March 30 2021 Board meeting. Now we are excited to launch the project in conjunction with students from the Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) of Queen’s University.

Maya Ivimay and Ashley Strauss are the two students from SCB in charge of this project and over the next weeks you may spot them, notebooks or smart phones in hand, examining trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants. They’ll be taking photos and identifying the plant species in the park.

Their first working visit will take place Wednesday May 12 9-12 am in the areas behind the Grenville Crescent circle. They will be wearing masks and some Queen’s apparel and will follow the government recommendations for social distancing. Maya and Ashley will be accompanied by three volunteers (also Queen’s students) who share a bubble: Olivia, Ben and Bree.

Please welcome them if you encounter them. If you have any questions for them, or for the committee, don’t hesitate to ask. We’ll keep you updated from time to time as work progresses.

Pamela Hodgson, for the Parks and Recreation Committee