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The Grenville Park Co-operative Housing Association is a legally incorporated organization since 1946 and is unique, not just in Kingston, but in Canada. We welcome new residents who, when they purchase a property in the Park, become members. No home can be owned in the Park without also owning a share and thus becoming a member. A share costs $100 which is reimbursed when the home is sold.  There is one share per household with one vote per share at General meetings. There are 56 homes in the Park.

We live in an area that has maintained its character for over 70 years. It is one of the only areas in Kingston zoned A1 residential and this ensures that the Park remains an enclave for single family dwellings with an abundance of open space for the residents to enjoy. We would be pleased to have you join us in this community.  Many people who buy a home in Grenville Park remain here for most of their lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does one become a member?

When a prospective purchaser makes an offer to purchase a home in Grenville Park, an application process is to be followed. This includes applying to have the share transferred from the current owner. The application to transfer the share must be approved by the Board of Directors following a meeting with the prospective members.  Once the transfer is approved, the sale of the property may go ahead.

What benefits will I receive by being a member?

Members are invited to attend various social events over the year.  These include, but are not limited to, the Annual General Meeting in March, the Spring Clean-up of the Park in April or May, the annual summer get together in Elmwood Park for a BBQ, and the Holiday Social at a member’s home in December.  Most events are covered by the Social Committee budget but there is a small charge to cover the costs of the BBQ.

What part would I play?  

If you wish, you may become a member of one of the committees that help run the park. These include: the Social Committee that organizes social events; the Parks Committee that looks after the maintenance of the 12 ½ acres of parkland; the Recreation Committee that looks after the play equipment, soccer field and tennis court; the Communications Committee that looks after the website; and of course, the Board of Directors that oversees the everyday running of the organization. The opportunity is there, if desired, to take an active role in park affairs, including a leadership role.

What is the annual cost of running the Park?

As the co-operative is a legal body which owns the open spaces, we have maintenance costs associated with this. These currently are liability insurance, grass cutting costs, municipal taxes, social events, tree planting and trimming, office expenses, and maintenance of the recreational areas. We have investments which bring in some income but the shortfall must be recouped from the members in the form of an annual levy. This is currently $390 per year and is payable by April 30.

Do I have to attend meetings?

Members may not want to attend our Annual General Meeting but in order to be aware of what is going on in our organization, and as a shareholder, it is your responsibility to attend and vote on the various issues including the annual budget.

Are there any restrictions to living in the Park?

In order to maintain the integrity and character of the Park, there are several restrictive covenants registered against title in perpetuity on all lots, including the open parkland. These ensure that no major changes are made without the unanimous consent of the members. The covenants are attached to the end of the document that lists the by-laws that govern our organization. All members are required to sign an affidavit agreeing to abide by them before a sale can proceed. Failure to sign would negate the sale.

Will I receive any documents before I make an Offer to Purchase?

There is a Buyer/Seller package available and this should be provided to you before an offer is made. If no     package is offered, your realtor should be asked to obtain one from the Secretary to the Board of Directors. It is important to read all these documents before meeting with representatives of the Board as you will be asked to    sign some of them at the meeting as well as provide a cheque to purchase the share.

What happens when I want to sell my home in future?

According to the Memorandum of Agreement, which is also registered on title in perpetuity and which you will be asked to sign at the initial meeting, any member wishing to offer their home for sale, must advise the Board of Directors of this intent. Under this agreement, the co-operative has the first Option to Purchase. You would then be given a Buyer/Seller package which is then to be made available to your realtor. A copy of any offer to purchase must be presented to the Secretary of the Board so that a meeting can be arranged within seven days of the offer being accepted by both the buyer and the seller. If the buyer agrees to abide by the principles and regulations of the co-operative, the transfer of the share will be approved following this meeting and the sale of the property will proceed as normal.