We want to hear what’s going on!

On behalf of the communications committee I would like to invite members of the neighbourhood to use this blog space for comment, event notification, event follow-up, announcements, invitations, photos, you get the idea.

As you can see this particular page has not quite reached its potential for providing members of our community with a voice to talk about things going on. We have been freshening up the pages of the site, although currently struggling with a few links which we can hopefully get the bugs out of soon. The hope is for the website to be more interactive than it has been and we can only do that with members’ contributions. Doesn’t need to be super serious or dramatic, the intention is to have some fun. Heaven knows everyone can use more of that these days.

Blogs can be sent to me as one of the administrators and I will post, to be clear our job is not to edit but I might correct a few typos if necessary, that’s it.

Have at it,

David Williams
